Did you read the article to which you linked? The article wasn't about "asking about someone's hair." You continually understate or revise history.
I am a Black woman who shaves my head. People feel free to touch my body without asking if they can do so. If I am a senior leader and you walk up and touch my body without asking I'm going to ensure you get fired. That isn't "cancellation" that is a consequence of being rude and disrespectful. And it's more of a urban myth than a reality.
Why should someone expect to be given a pass and not have any consequences when they are being rude and disrespectful? Do you have any idea how often White people touch Black people's bodies as though we are dolls or toys? It is a very frequent occurrence.
I've been dining in a lovely restaurant eating an exquisite meal and had a White woman walk up and rub my head for "luck." It was my birthday dinner with my family. It was shocking and simply not okay. It was physical assualt. Just as the three White women in the past two years who have demanded to know my genetalia "are you sure you are in the correct restroom."
That you think that's okay demonstrates a complete lack of respect for Black people's bodies and personal space. We just need to put up and shut up whatever is done to us. You say you understand that racism exists. Yet there is never any way for us to speak about it.
That you minimize the degree to which many White people are disrespectful of Black people's bodies while you are dishonest about how Black people use "woke" is gaslighting and offensive.
Instead of using "woke" which was appropriated by the right wing to erase Black history, stories and voices, it would be better to actually speak about the things that bother you. The only benefit of using the word "woke" is that you don't actually have to have any argument. It's just a putdown to "those irrational and overly sensitive people that annoy you." It's a call never to be accountable for any harms that are being supported and reinforced by obscuring it all under "they deserve it because they are woke. They don't deserve to be treated as humans worthy of consideration."
Your use of the word "woke" hides your specific complaints that you generalize to all Black people. Which you refuse to even call "Black." Nope, now it's a term from the 1940s when in fact it's been a term that's been used for over 100 years in the Black commumity and is still used and retains its original meaning.
Do you have any Black friends? Do you understand the amount of shaming, blaming, and denigrating in which you are engaging?