LOL. Sure he stands for “fiscal responsibility.” He lost his investors from than $24 Billion on the purchase and running of Twitter. Smashing things solely because you don’t like him doesn’t make him in any way, shape or form fiscally responsible.
Why is “weak willed” in quotes?
So much for your belief and support that people have the right to support with their dollars organizations and entities that mirror their own values. That doesn’t make us “snowflakes.” It makes us independent agents who are free to decide what types of businesses and people we support through our hard earned money.
What is “the matter with our society” is the only marginal support for freedom of speech. Money is supposedly speech according to SCOTUS. So, we are using our purchasing power to signal that we aren’t picking up what the destroyer in chief and his 19 year old to 25 year old minions are putting down. Sure. They are the best and the brightest in the world with years of experience, depth and wisdom.